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How to Transform a Data Warehouse to a Modern Data Estate

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Do you have a traditional data warehouse (DW) and have been wondering how to strategically expand its functionality and upgrade its performance?  Expanding and upgrading your DW requires a proven technology platform designed to help you modernize your enterprise data infrastructure.

TimeXtender allows a traditionally built DW to easily and completely integrate into a modern, automated data-estate platform. This means that initial costs to build a modern data estate - for an organization with an existing DW - will be very economical and the time to transition will be high-speed. And when transitioning from a DW to a modern data estate with TimeXtender, the move occurs in a controlled and safe environment.

Here’s how it works:

  1. You add an external connection to your existing data warehouse and extract the desired tables.
  2. This process virtualizes your existing DW tables and includes them into the new database.
  3. Then, as you rebuild and improve on these tables, you use TimeXtender’s automated ETL to convert these virtualized tables into custom tables.
  4. TimeXtender’s functionality also allows users to seamlessly transition their existing traditional DW to an automated data estate platform with zero downtime.

To see how this works visit here. (Click through and scroll down to the sub head “Full integration with existing DWH” and watch the video).  

By converting your traditional DW into a modern data estate using TimeXtender, your organization can achieve several new business benefits, including:

  • Instant access to data, thereby accelerating time to data insights by up to 10 times
  • The gathering of data in its raw form and structure for use in advanced analytics and AI
  • Avoiding having to build custom datasets for each user request for analytics and AI
  • The freeing up of IT resources - allowing them to work on more strategic initiatives
  • A system to build semantic models for self-service analytics
  • Easy documentation of your analytics data for compliance
  • Peace of mind knowing your DW will be transformed into a future-proof, modern data estate - built and ready to evolve with future, technology advancements
  • The ability to seamlessly deploy your analytics data to the cloud

Having helped more than 3,000 customers worldwide over the years, we have a lot of customer stories to share.

Here’s one example that explains how TimeXtender helped an organization achieve the deployment of a modern data estate. In this success story, learn how Komatsu was able to modernize its data platform, while making it ready for future AI and machine learning requirements.