Improvements in Data Quality and Efficiency with TimeXtender: How Air Atlanta Reduced AOG Time and Costs
Air Atlanta, Icelandic, is one of the largest ACMI (Aircraft, Crew, Maintenance, and Insurance) service providers in the world. In order to reduce AOG (Aircraft on Ground) time and costs, the company implemented TimeXtender (formerly Exmon), a data management solution that improved data quality and scheduling efficiencies. As a result, Air Atlanta has saved a considerable amount of rework and ensured that its aircrafts are fully utilized.
The Company
Air Atlanta, Icelandic, is one of the largest ACMI service providers in the world with almost 20 planes and 1400 employees. They offer tailor-made solutions to other carriers, both in the passenger and cargo industry.
The Challenge
Every hour that an aircraft spends AOG (Aircraft on Ground) is lost time and revenue for the carrier. Air Atlanta needed to ensure that every one of their aircrafts was fully utilized to reduce overall AOG time.
“When we remove parts from an aircraft and send them for repair or to be replaced, they would too often be registered incorrectly in our systems. When the part needed servicing again, we wouldn’t know if it was already there or not, causing unnecessary delays and costs.”
– Sigrún Inga Kristinsdóttir, Administrator of Trax MRO System (Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul)
Additionally, Air Atlanta critically required a data quality solution that could not only keep pace with changing operational requirements and AOG costs, but also provide ease of access and greater visibility to those who needed data access. With constantly changing regulations, such as those that were created due to the COVID-19 pandemic like PCR tests and vaccine status data, the airline needed to be sure they could quickly adapt.
A solution that ensures data quality and governance, while providing increased agility and flexibility was required to make these goals a reality.
The Solution
The company’s main goal when they started to implement the TimeXtender data management solution was to decrease the costs associated with bad data in its Trax maintenance system. Quality checks were set up to identify overdue repairs, purchases and checks – ensuring that rotatable parts were processed correctly.
The result of integrated these quality checks was improved data quality, better usage of parts and a significant reduction in rework and manually completing tasks for employees.
Once the data quality checks were completed, the aircraft career then looked to TimeXtender to improve efficiencies in its scheduling process.
The platform was used to monitor MGH (Minimum Guarantee Hours) contracts, to ensure aircrafts were used effectively, which considerably reduced the carrier’s costs. Alongside, the platform further enabled Air Atlanta to ensure their aircraft’s were not scheduled to land at airport’s that were not green-flagged, i.e. those without the proper legal or contractual procedures in place.
Finally, with the TimeXtender solution in place, they were able to quickly adapt to the new COVID-19 guidelines and track the data they needed to remain compliant as the regulations changed over time. Without a robust data management system, this constant change would have been a nightmare.
The Benefits
The TimeXtender platform has greatly improved data quality for Air Atlanta, resulting in numerous other benefits. Sigrún goes on to say:
“The key to solving these issues was data quality, and we decided to implement TimeXtender […] These efforts have saved us a considerable amount of rework and have ensured that our aircrafts are fully utilized and not a cause of revenue leakage.
We regularly get feedback from our vendors and customers on how good our data is. We are continuously adding new data quality checks to improve our processes even more […] Furthermore, our internal users have been very positive with these changes and we keep getting requests for new checks.”
TimeXtender Process Management was used to provide quick and easy data access to end users that required it, enabling employees with the correct permissions to access, view, and refresh data sets as needed.
Alongside, TimeXtender Data Governance enabled Air Atlanta to ensure quality of data and operations with correct, accurate, and up-to-date data in real time. Air Atlanta is now ready to take on new technologies and move into the future with confidence.
If you’re interested in seeing how the combination of TimeXtender and TimeXtender Data Management Platform can help manage your data, consider signing up for a free personal demo. See it in action and watch firsthand how you can boost your business with organized, reliable, and trustworthy data.