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Introducing XPilot: Your AI Data Integration Co-Pilot

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At TimeXtender, we know how crucial data integration is for any organization's operations, and having a reliable tool to streamline the process is paramount. That’s why we’re excited to unveil our latest innovation – XPilot. This revolutionary ChatGPT-powered data integration co-pilot aims to transform the way users interact with TimeXtender's holistic data integration tool. With its real-time assistance and comprehensive knowledge base, XPilot promises to enhance user experience, reduce time to value, and improve customer satisfaction. In other words, it’s going to kick ass.

Embracing Innovative Technology

Leveraging the advanced capabilities of ChatGPT, XPilot offers engaging and interactive support to TimeXtender users. Joseph Treadwell, TimeXtender's Head of Partner & Customer Success, expressed his enthusiasm for this groundbreaking development:

Joseph_Orange-Circle_Leadership“I’m super excited to be able to directly leverage the incredible technology of ChatGPT to help us enable our customers in a truly engaging way. What makes XPilot so cool is you can keep a chat open right beside your TimeXtender instance and ask it questions while you work!”

Aiding Users Every Step of the Way

XPilot was born out of the collaborative efforts of TimeXtender's internal team, including the initiative of Solution Specialist Harish Kundachery Mechery. Harish emphasized the significance of this new tool and its potential impact on user support through the integration of large language model (LLM) and artificial intelligence (AI):

Harish  (1)"Without a doubt, LLM and AI are the next big things happening in the world of technology. As pioneers in innovation, TimeXtender decided to integrate capabilities of AI and LLM into our suite of products and services. An AI-powered chat assistant for data integration was chosen as the pilot program, and within a few weeks, XPilot was born. We are excited to be at the forefront of this technological revolution and look forward to continuing to innovate and lead the way in this field. What we have now is just the tip of the iceberg.”

This multifunctional solution is designed to assist users in finding answers to common questions and resolving errors in real-time, eliminating the need to navigate through various resources.

Xpilot email

The Path to Enhanced User Experience

The primary objective (or our very own Prime Directive, if you like) of XPilot is to elevate customer satisfaction and improve the ease of use of TimeXtender's holistic data integration tool. While currently in the public beta testing phase, XPilot is set to evolve into a robust and intuitive application. It will encompass all the information previously scattered across TimeXtender's knowledge base articles, community forums, and user support tickets. With XPilot, users will gain access to instant responses, enabling them to troubleshoot issues efficiently.

picardmakeitsoPicard loves XPilot

Empowering Users with Instant Support

Through XPilot, TimeXtender users will have seamless access to support ticket answers and solutions, ensuring swift resolution of queries. By integrating XPilot into all future TimeXtender software updates, we are reaffirming our commitment to providing a superior user experience. Heine Krog Iversen, TimeXtender CEO & Founder, summed up the visionary leap that is XPilot:

Heine-headshort-v2021“Automation has always been the fundamental cornerstone of TimeXtender. ‘Automate anything that can be automated’ has long been our motto. Today, with our public beta for XPilot, we take the initial crucial step of making our collective knowledge accessible to all our customers, with a prompt right at their fingertips. Over time, XPilot will expand into other aspects of our offerings, automating and simplifying access to metadata, suggesting design patterns, and resolving integration issues. The only limit to where this can lead us is our collective imagination – ours and that of our community. We will continue to be driven by the same purpose, only now we'll be able to make things even simpler and increase productivity from 10x to 100x in the coming years.”

Revolutionizing the Data Integration Landscape

XPilot Robot no backgroundTimeXtender's introduction of XPilot will assuredly revolutionize the data integration landscape. By combining the power of ChatGPT technology with our holistic data integration tool, we will empower TimeXtender users to work more efficiently and effectively. With XPilot as their trusted co-pilot, users can find answers, troubleshoot errors, and access support with ease, all within their current TimeXtender instance. As we continue to refine and enhance XPilot, users can look forward to an increasingly streamlined and intuitive data integration experience. 

What are you waiting for? Launch XPilot now!
