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2 min read

Candid Feedback

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In this episode, we talk about how we are able to give candid feedback to other people. We explore how we are able to set up a conversation to be successful but truthful. How we can sometimes not want to hear feedback and how we can grow from it.


Audio issue disclaimer: We know that interesting people can be in interesting places and sometimes those places can have limited access to high-quality internet. In this episode, you will hear some audio delays and interference.

In this episode we discuss: 
  • What´s important when giving feedback?
  • We take a look at some examples and models
  • How we give each other feedback in our teams


Brand Strategist at TimeXtender

I have 18 years experience in business models, innovation, service delivery, sales, marketing and leadership, but most of all I am passionate about people! 

I always strive for excellence, integrity and efficiency in everything I do. I enjoy being surrounded by creativity and a good sense of humour After office hours, I love spending time with my family and friends, exploring art, photography, technology and sustainability. I'm an avid reader and I love meeting new people in my pursuit to be a better human. 

More About Juan


Digital Marketing Specialist at TimeXtender

Currently getting paid to use skills that used to get him in trouble as a kid, Matt Monge uses brand and marketing strategy to help people, brands, and businesses grow. In addition to several marketing and brand awards recognizing his and his teammates’ work (and let’s be honest—his teammates carried that load), Matt has been previously recognized by GWT (Global Workforce Transformation) as one of 24 Future of Work Experts You Should Know About, and Onalytica has listed him among the Top 15 Future of Work Influencers. Both the Center for Management and Organizational Effectiveness as well as Leadership Insights listed his written work as being among their top leadership-related online resources. Matt earned his master’s degree in organizational leadership with a concentration in servant leadership from Gonzaga University. 

More About Matt


Meet the Hosts




Anne is the Chief of DNA & Culture at TimeXtender and one of the co-founders. She searches the world to find new and innovative ways to help people thrive and grow. Her passions include personal development, corporate mindfulness, and helping employees strive for a higher purpose.  

Anne holds degrees in business management, languages, and HR and certifications as a business and life coach and mindfulness practitioner. She is also a member of the Forbes Human Resources Council where she shares her thoughts and unique insights about how to bring organizations to a higher level of consciousness. Anne loves her 2 boys, having fun with family and friends, and practicing mindfulness.

More About Anne




Victoria is People Administrator at TimeXtender and has a passion for helping people succeed. She has been working in the people growing business for almost 20 years in a variety of fields including hospitality, health care, and technology. She also has a culinary arts degree and loves to bake (the consensus is she's really good at it).

Victoria has a knack for adding humor to most of her daily activities and conversations with her team. However, she does not grow plants - she has tried that but it has not worked out well for the plants. Victoria has too many pets (anybody want a cat?), rides a Harley, and has an undisclosed number of tattoos. Her nickname is "Viking" and the Harley’s name is June Bug.

More About Victoria