Culture & the Future of Work

Tips to Boost Your Energy During Microsoft Inspire

Microsoft Inspire 2019  is just around the corner. And I’m sure you and your team are ready to take on the world. 

No doubt about it, the show will be exciting, the pace will be fast, the socializing will be intense, but the sleep will be fitful. And the recharge time will be almost nonexistent. So what do you do to stay calm and on top during your entire conference stay?

You might also like: How to arrive energized and calm at Microsoft Inspire.

We’re so busy and excited that we often forget to reset ourselves during these action-packed events and of course there's the fear of missing out on something important. And while we know taking time to for small breaks and personal recharge allows us to come back threefold at the eventit's  more likely than not that we’ll  put that  aside until after the event.

Your calendar is often booked from dawn past dusk, back-to-back meetings, demos, cocktail parties and any opportunity to shake hands with a potential partner. Every moment spent at Inspire is so valuable that we don't want to waste a single one, right? 

The trap is that when you push yourself so hard and don't take time out to breathe or recharge, you can actually end up being less effective and successful at the event. 

No worries, there’s a remedy to keep you energized and on your game at Inspire. Here's 7 ways to stay on top all the way through your stay without missing out on anything important.

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7 easy ways to stay focused, calm and energized at conferences

Here are 7 tips how to help you boost your energy level, stay calm and maintain focus during action-packed conferences:

  1. Prioritize. Choose three focus points a day that you want to achieve. This might be  selecting the key sessions you want to attend, people you want to meet and appointments you want to take at your booth.  Just the top three things. Write them down. 
  2. Silence. At the beginning of each day, before you head out, take a few minutes to sit silent in your room. This will help you  reset. It only takes 5-7 minutes of simply BEING instead of DOING. Then set the intention for the day and check your list of three focus point. More here to find out how silence can boost your focus and effectiveness
  3. Surrender control. You were never in  control anyway. We often spent too much good energy predicting, planning and preventing things that can't be controlled. Being “in the flow,” and trusting that everything will get done opens us up to more creativity, serendipity, new relationships and benefits such as joy, balance, and better mental health. 
  4. Accept the outcome. Just go with the flow and be with what is there. Observe what is happening there by monitoring your feelings, thoughts, body sensations, people and surroundings, all without judging and analyzing. You'll feel calmer and more relaxed, and more able to cope with daily challenges.
  5. Give yourself time to move. Move the energy around to shift the low energy with high energy when you feel tired or overwhelmed. Go for a walk, do some stretching or whatever activity relieves and refreshes you. Just 5 minutes outside can achieve wonders.
  6. Be your own best friend. It is important to be kind to yourself. Encourage yourself. You are already a success and that’s why your at the event. 
  7. Have fun and smile. The power of a smile not only puts people at ease, and gives them an opening for a conversation, but we are also much more inclined to engage with people who smile at us. 

You might also like: "Reasons to pack your smile for Microsoft Inspire" and  "How to Arrive Energized and Calm at Microsoft Inspire"

Keep calm and enjoy your stay in Las Vegas. Would you like to find out more? Come smile with us at Microsoft Inspire booth #2310.
